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Max Bolo

Aug 12, 2023
Basic Information:
1. 28
2. Sultan
3. GMT+5
4. maxbolo
5. 4-6 Hours
6. Max Bolo ( it will be)
7. xxxx
Additional Information:
1. Why do you want to be an administrator?

Ans: I want to become Admin to Help the other people who are new to RP life i already have alot of Experience of RP so now i wanted to help other people as admin and it will give me a chance to Help this city aswell. I also had done rp as the Leader in other cities which give me more experience. and i want to make sure people follow rules and stop people who are breaking rules.

2. Why should we consider you for a administrative position?
Ans: I should be considered for administrative position as i got alot of experience and knowledge about the RP stuff and Rules and i love to Solve the Doubts of the People who are new and old and i will never do Favoritism.

3. Your greatest strengths? (Please list at least three):
Ans: - I can stay Calm in every Kind of Situation.
- i am a Fast Lerner so i can Learn everything very fast
- i am a Hardworker for me always Work is first and than other things.

4. Your greatest weaknesses? (Please list at least three):
Ans: - Over -Thinking: Sometime i do Overthinking on every single Thing
- Sometime I get Angry More than it is Needed
- I start Trusting on People very Fast.

5. Do you understand you may not own a home or a business as an administrator?
Ans: Yes, i am understand.

6. Do you understand that on your admin account you may no longer partake in roleplay?
Ans: Yes, i understand

7. Are there currently any issues in your real life that would hinder your activity as an admin?
Ans: No, i am totally Free
On Consideration

Added to the eligible pool of applicants for next wave of admin interviews.

Not currently looking for admins with your specifications please re apply when we announce in the discord via #news-server
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