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Lunaa Quinn

Oct 5, 2023
Basic Information:

1. Age (IRL): 22
2. First name (IRL): Yug
3. Time zone (IRL): GMT + (5:30)
4. Discord username: puyhunter
5. Amount of time you can spend as admin per day: 5 to 6 hrs
6. In game name? Lunaa Quinn
7: Your ID ingame?: 00
8: What Position are you applying too? State
9: What languages do you speak: English and Hindi
Additional Information:

1. Why do you want to be an administrator?:

The reason I want to become administrator is due to my past experience, in RP. It has been 2 years since I have being Rping in many different projects including whitelist servers. So now I want people to have the chance to enjoy the same RP which I will ensure as an administrator. I will make sure that quality rp is being followed in the server so that other people can enjoy RP without any rule breaks.

2. Why should we consider you for a administrative position?:
The project should consider me as administrator due to my past Rp experience and my willingness to help other players. My aim is to make sure the way I enjoyed 2 years rping the same way people will enjoy it. I am becoming administrator not for my own benefit but for the benefit of the people that are going to rp in this project.

3. Your greatest strengths? (Please list at least three):

a - I love and care for people around me and help each and every one with my heart.

b -I dont have an EGO and follow what my staff tells me to do.

c - I am very loyal and hardworking and give 100% to the project once I commit myself.

4. Your greatest weaknesses? (Please list at least three):

a -I Always replay all my DMs and Mentions I know its good thing but sometimes I end up replaying people Who are annoying and I dont wanna replay.

b -I am prone to procrastination; I would generally procrastinate something I don't like.

c -I am a bit emotional and sometimes some things may affect me deep inside my heart.

5. Do you understand you may not own a business as an administrator?

- Yes, I understand

6. Do you understand that on your admin account you may no longer partake in roleplay?

- Yes, I understand

7. Are there currently any issues in your real life that would hinder your activity as an admin?

No, I don't have any issues to obstruct in my gameplay.
On Consideration
Added to eligible pool of candidates for next round of interviews.

Not currently looking for admins with your specifications please re apply when we announce in the discord via #news-server
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