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Faisal Ninja

Oct 23, 2023
Basic Information:

1. Age (IRL):

2. First name (IRL):

3. Time zone (IRL):
- Arabia Standard Time ( UTC / GMT +3 )

4. Discord username:
- ( 7b3 )

5. Amount of time you can spend as admin per day:
- Daily , My Average Is 8 Hour Till 10 Hour Per Day

6. In game name?

7: Your ID ingame?:

8: What Position are you applying too?

9: What languages do you speak:
-Arabic and English

Additional Information:

1. Why do you want to be an administrator?:
- Because I'll Be Pleasured To Assist Player And Guide Them To Playing G5RP In The Right Way , So They Have The Best Experience , And I Spent Many Hours And I Saw Many Players Struggling So I'd Love To Help Everybody

2. Why should we consider you for a administrative position?:
- i have been admin in EN3 for 6 Months , so i know how to deal with the players and know what i can do and not

3. Your greatest strengths? (Please list at least three):
-Being Patient Is What I'm Really Good At , Also I Have Experience In Administrator Because i was admin in EN3 and i know all the rules

4. Your greatest weaknesses? (Please list at least three):
- Sometimes It's Difficult For Me To Interact With Someone That I Guided Him To The Right Thing And He Start To Being A Stubborn And Keep Saying That The Thing He Did Is Correct

5. Do you understand you may not own a business as an administrator?

6. Do you understand that on your admin account you may no longer partake in roleplay?

7. Are there currently any issues in your real life that would hinder your activity as an admin?
You have stated you were an admin in another city so please re apply when we re open apps with more effort
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