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Miles Opps

Apr 12, 2024
Basic Information:

1. Age (IRL): 18
2. First name (IRL): Ben
3. Time zone (IRL): Central European Timezone
4. Discord username: ben_wa132
5. Amount of time you can spend as a tester per day: 2-4 hours

Why do you want to be a Cypress tester: My family and I started at grand but we will potentially want to migrate here that is why I would like to see what this server will be like firsthand

What experience do you have testing for games/servers: No experience that is worth mentioning

What experience do you have Reporting Bugs to Game/server developers: I have been reporting bugs on any game I play on basically so a lot

Do you have any reference games or game servers that you have tested on previously: None

Do you have any experience in coding/game development and if so what language/s: Not a coder

Do you understand that anything you see or test for the CypressRP project is strictly confidential and is not to be shared by any means to any person: Absolutely

Signing of a NDA is a requirement to test on CypressRP are you willing to Sign the mentioned NDA (non-disclosure agreement): If it is a requirement then I will sign it without a problem.

How long have you played video games: 10+ years

What games do you play the most: Grand Theft Auto V, CSGO

What is your usual playstyle? (EG: Competitive, Casual, Achievement Hunter, Hardcore, Social): Competitive

What would you say are good qualities for a game tester: I can spot seemingly invisible things like bugs or errors

Do you have any questions or concerns about the game testing process?: No
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Needed Detail and the detail was poor. Next round please try harder
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