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Gregory House

Apr 12, 2024
Basic Information:

1. Age (IRL): 32
2. First name (IRL): Emil
3. Time zone (IRL): GMT+1
4. Discord username: gregoryhouse72866
5. Amount of time you can spend as a tester per day: I can play 5-8 hours a day if I'm not working but since I work part time that doesn't happen very often

Additional Information:

Why do you want to be a Cypress tester: I want to be a part of this promising looking server based on what I have seen in the teasers and I want to help developers in finding bugs and glitches. And I also want to help with the features and mechanics that are going to be implemented on the server.

What experience do you have testing for games/servers: I have experience in testing different standalone games and roleplay servers whether its open/closed Alpha or Beta testing.

What experience do you have Reporting Bugs to Game/server developers: My experience in reporting bugs and glitches varies from game to game. In some situations we would report such things in designated Discord server channels giving as much detail as possible such as Location of the problem, steps to replicate, severity and if possible provide video and/or picture material that shows the problem. In other situations we would use Google forms with the same format of reporting and in some situations we would speak directly to the developers.

Do you have any reference games or game servers that you have tested on previously: Most recently I was a part of a very small group of Alpha testers for a new GTA roleplay server. Before that I was involved in Open beta testing of Scull and Bones, one of the latest Ubisoft Games. I have partaken in Beta testing of new features and patches for League of Legends and those are really hard to get a spot in. I have also been involved in World of Tanks test servers on multiple occasions. And lastly I was a part of the Administration team that was granted access to test server of Grand RP project before the new updates are pushed to the live servers.

Do you have any experience in coding/game development and if so what language/s: No experience in coding

Do you understand that anything you see or test for the CypressRP project is strictly confidential and is not to be shared by any means to any person: Yes

Signing of a NDA is a requirement to test on CypressRP are you willing to Sign the mentioned NDA (non-disclosure agreement): Yes

How long have you played video games: Most of my life, since I was a child pretty much.

What games do you play the most: I play RPGs mostly. I am a big fan of all Assassins' Creed games having played all of them with almost 100% completion on all of them. I love both Dishonored games. Hitman has to make the list too. Cannot forget Far Cry. and Recently I have been stuck playing Squad with some friends of mine.

What is your usual playstyle? (EG: Competitive, Casual, Achievement Hunter, Hardcore, Social): I am a religious achievement hunter. I have to go all around the map, collect every chest every piece of armor, every weapon. I love completing everything there is in the game before reaching the final game cutscene.

What would you say are good qualities for a game tester: Good qualities for a tester would be the mentality of trying out different ways to do complete tasks. Thinking outside the box is very useful. Intentionally looking for weak spots and reporting them so they can be patched up before official launch.

Do you have any questions or concerns about the game testing process?:No

Optional - Computer specs:
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5500
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
Operating System Windows 10

Additional Information: I am no longer affiliated with any other Roleplay project in a official capacity that got me rejected last time (I am no longer an Administrator of a different Project)
We are currently not looking for applicants of your specification
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