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May 11, 2024
Basic Information: Zey Unchained

1. Age (IRL): 18
2. First name (IRL): Berk
3. Time zone (IRL): TR UTC +3
4. Discord username: zeyqmk
5. Amount of time you can spend as a tester per day: 3-5 hour

Additional Information:

Why do you want to be a Cypress tester: Dear admins, dear server founders, first of all, the purpose of testing this server is, of course, to spend my hours here and spend time with my friends, and also to meet new people and play games. I want to experience this server. I don't know, maybe I won't like it, maybe I will like it and play it in the morning and evening. If you find any errors during the test, I will let you know and I hope for all good developments. I will inform you about this server and I will introduce it to my friends as much as I can and I want to play as much as I can because I play GTA with pleasure and I also want to play your server with pleasure. I would be grateful to you if you give me this honor. It is my honor to play and test on this server and if you deem this right suitable for me, I would be very grateful to you. Thank you, good work

What experience do you have testing for games/servers: I don't have any experience

What experience do you have Reporting Bugs to Game/server developers: When i find the bugs i will report it to the developers so they can fix the bugs. also ı can help for everythıng on server.

Do you have any reference games or game servers that you have tested on previously:no

Do you have any experience in coding/game development and if so what language/s: C, C++, Pythonx

Do you understand that anything you see or test for the CypressRP project is strictly confidential and is not to be shared by any means to any person: Yes

Signing of a NDA is a requirement to test on CypressRP are you willing to Sign the mentioned NDA (non-disclosure agreement):Yes

How long have you played video games: 8 years

What games do you play the most: GTA,Valorant,Fortnite

What is your usual playstyle? (EG: Competitive, Casual, Achievement Hunter, Hardcore, Social): Social,Competitive

What would you say are good qualities for a game tester:Openness

Do you have any questions or concerns about the game testing process?:No

Optional - Computer specs:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Super
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
16 ram
Unfortunately, we are not looking for testers with your specifications at this time.
Please consider applying again in the future.
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