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Larry Hulk

Curator of the Project
Curator of the Project
May 11, 2023
Account Ownership
The account you create is your sole property, it may not be shared, sold or traded. | Blacklist
1.2: You as the owner of the account assume sole responsibility for the account therefore if you are hacked etc. your account will face the same punishments.
1.3: Committing any acts of fraud against other players is strictly prohibited. | Permanent Ban
1.4: You may only have 2 total characters within the server of which you are playing. | Deletion of any others and warn to 1st and 2nd
1.5: All Players are only allowed 1 business across both characters 1 person - 1 business. | Ban 30 days for each account
1.6: It’s prohibited to sell/buy in-game assets for real money.
1.7: It is prohibited to transfer/gift property or clothing with a value exceeding $5.000.000 you may transfer and give up to $5.000.000 per day (you may withdraw and deposit from family balance). | Ban from 14-30 days
1.8: Any interaction between your main and second character is prohibited. (ex: transferring money or property by any means). | Ban 30 days and Account Wipe
1.9: Names of characters must be realistic, celebrity names are prohibited. | Forced Named Change

Rules of Communication
OOC insults are prohibited. | Mute 180 minutes or Ban up to 7 days (based on severity)
2.2: The N word is allowed but there should be no blatant abuse of the word and the hard R is strictly prohibited (****er). | Ban 14 days
2.3: All players must be able to speak clear English all IC interactions must take place in English only. (other languages are permitted in private conversations only if all parties involved have expressed agreement). | Mute 120
2.4: You must speak with synonyms when you are in the server such as; "I'm flying out of the city or I'll stay in the city" When you are lagging you must use - "I got a headache" or if you crash, you must use "my head popped", when certain stuff doesn't render on your end, you must use the word "I don't see it in my eyes, there is nothing in my eyes".

Cheating and Use of Illegal Software
Any software which gives you advantage, cheats etc. are strictly prohibited! | 60 day ban

Rules on Interactions with the Administration
The use of report should only be used for questions related to the game or if you see or are involved in a current rule break. | Report Mute 45 minutes
4.2: If you have a disagreement with an administrator you should create a complaint on the forums and leave for the Chief of the administration.
4.3: Insulting the administration is prohibited. Creating a complaint is the best way to achieve Justice. | Ban up to 7 days

Rules of Play
Incorrect use of the /me /do /try /todo commands is prohibited. All players are obliged to play the truth. Note: /try can only be used 2 times per situation
5.2: It is forbidden to leave the RP situation before it finishes. (ex: not accepting first aid, leaving the game, going afk or entering into interiors). | Warn
5.3: It is forbidden to empty org warehouses for personal purposes. | Ban up to 60 days based on severity
5.4: It is strictly prohibited to play the role of a bad cop or corrupt official without a roleplay biography. | Warn
5.5: It is prohibited to commit any crimes against EMS. | Warn
5.6: It is forbidden to Heal players and Loot during gunfights. | Warn
5.7: If you are killed fully you may not return to the same area for at least 15 minutes. | Warn
5.8: It is restricted to commit any immoral actions against unconscious players (ex: sexual emotes, spitting etc.) | Ban 5 days
5.9: Rape roleplay and any clearly stated unwanted sexual roleplay is strictly prohibited! | Ban 21 days
5.10: All Roleplay situations must remain IC and no RP situation should be made OOC. (ex insulting players in discord). | Ban 1-7 days
5.11: Both characters may only be on one side of the law either illegal or legal. | Warn for both accounts
5.12: Harassment towards EMS during their time on duty is strictly prohibited. | Ban 5 days
5.13: Mercy killing a player to help them avoid RP situations is prohibited. | Warn
5.14: While robbing another player you may only rob guns, armor, drugs and other illegal items. | Warn
5.15: While outside of the ghetto you must initiate RP before shooting someone. (unless it's a rival gang member wearing gang colors or if someone tries to leave the ghetto after initiating a gunfight). | Warn
5.16: While attempting to pull another car over for robbing you must have a minimum of 1 car with 2 people and you must shoot out the tires to demand them to stop you must demand them to stop before shooting out there tires (if they don't stop it is considered FailRP). | Jail 120 minutes
5.16.1: Adding on to 5.16, if you have 1 car and 2 people the driver of the other car CAN get out and shoot back, it is your job to down them then rob, HOWEVER, if you have 2 cars and 4 people then the other driver CAN NOT get out and shoot back they must get out of car and raise hands.
5.17: OBS and any other recording software which can block or remove overlays are forbidden. | Ban 30 days
5.18: You MAY use a helicopter to gain access to roofs.
5.19: The word Faggot is allowed but not in terms to attack someone's sexuality. | Ban 14 days
5.20: You may not abuse armored cars in the ghetto. | Jail 120 minutes
5.21: It is prohibited to sell/buy family business or withdraw/deposit from family businesses without the leaders approval including taking from family warehouse. | Ban 30 days
5.22: You may not rob or kidnap players working on starting jobs (taxi, lawn mowers, truck drivers, electricians, bus drivers). | Warn
5.23: It is not allowed to abuse EMS clothing if you are not EMS. | Warn
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